Another recently published study has found that a Mediterranean diet, low in meat, dairy, processed foods and high in nuts, fish, whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables, is associated with lower rates of mental illness and depression.
And a recent study at Tufts University looked at low-carb diets, such as Atkins, and their effect on cognition and memory. They found that performance on memory tests started declining measurably compared with subjects on a moderate-carb, low-fat diet.
We have found in our own experiences, and in the experiences of others on the Spartan Diet, that all this is very true. The Spartan Diet is both relatively low in fats, has plenty of complex carbs, and also is an extremely Mediterranean diet.
People on the Spartan Diet report feeling mentally sharper, more upbeat and generally good all the time. That makes it easier to sleep better, exercise more and generally do all the other things that, combined with diet, lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.