Tart cherries have a unique combination of powerful antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation http://bit.ly/hJOYvv
Strange but true: the brain is shaped by bacteria in the digestive tract http://bit.ly/hj1FWY
Type 2 diabetes may be an autoimmune disease http://lat.ms/hbmfMW
YMCA survey: 74% of US kids don't get minimum exercise; 74% of parents choose TV for family time. Coincidence? http://bit.ly/fRJ4J7
How to reduce BPA exposure from food http://bit.ly/hpRlln
Losing weight improves your memory! http://usat.ly/eJ37bI
Nationwide study finds US beef and poultry is widely contaminated http://bit.ly/fM8moH
Nearly three-quarters of samples tested of top-selling imported olive oil failed extra virgin standards. http://lat.ms/fJe4gO
Why tea is better than coffee, green tea better than black, and white better than green. http://lifehac.kr/idOkLQ
The science is clear: Sugar can also make us fat and unhealthy http://bit.ly/hMAvDs
How the military is being hammered by obesity and yo yo dieting as service men and women try to cope: http://bit.ly/fVl68t
Eating more carbs at dinner may help with weight loss and cholesterol http://lat.ms/hYNQwM
New study explains factors that contribute to childhood obesity, type 2 diabetes http://bit.ly/fj5HzJ
Caffeine may contribute to diabetes http://bit.ly/eTzgKd
Eating less meat and more vegetables is tied to a lower risk of cataracts http://reut.rs/g9E01S
Strawberries have the potential to prevent esophageal cancer http://on.wsj.com/eSHd9t
More than two alcoholic drinks a day increases risk of cancer http://bit.ly/e52WJc
The American diet in one chart, with lots of fats and sugars http://bit.ly/f5BJ22
Differences in gut flora appear to have a big effect on whether one develops heart disease. http://bit.ly/fpxohF
"Showing a milkshake to some people is like dangling a cold beer in front of an alcoholic." http://on.wsj.com/gFPzCa
Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is Linked with Lower Dementia Risk, Better Brain
Research demonstrates that the polyphenols and monounsaturated fatty acids
in extra virgin olive oil are associated with a lower risk of dementia and
6 months ago