Why the United States has the highest rates of cancer in the world (TEDtalk video) http://bit.ly/i1dOrr
How optimal fitness has changed the life of one 46-year-old http://bit.ly/g8YQH9
Add anorexia to the growing list of diseases that used to affect only adults but now hit very young children: http://bit.ly/gXwZAo
Vitamin D and sunshine key to pregnancy health http://bit.ly/ieAHpD
The most common heart rhythm disturbance, called an atrial fibrillation, is largely preventable with healthy diet. http://bit.ly/fES0Tx
Coffee after high-fat meal can raise blood sugar to harmful levels http://bit.ly/eiOuQx
Get outside and get some sunshine, people! Vitamin D levels linked with health of blood vessels http://bit.ly/e9doAw
Exercise gets more necessary with age, not less http://usat.ly/eceXHP
Probiotic bacteria could help treat Crohn's disease http://bit.ly/hegFiW
Is depression an inflammatory condition caused by an industrial diet? http://bit.ly/eqtSCm
Why apples, cranberries and prunes are good for your brain http://bit.ly/e2z3rU
Sugary soda and juice can boost blood pressure, weight http://bit.ly/harDKk
17 bad habits that weaken your heart: http://huff.to/dO56gx
Some of the olive trees that still produce for Italy's olive oil industry were planted during the Roman Empire! http://bit.ly/eKSnUA
Six ways to avoid BPA: http://www.silentspring.org/pdf/our_research/six_steps.pdf
From the Department of Obvious: Diet along with exercise may be the best way for seniors to gain strength and fitness http://lat.ms/gUGnSo
How Seth Godin can help you get ripped: http://huff.to/h06rYP
New study shows that eliminating packaged foods from diet significantly reduces BPA levels. http://bit.ly/hmUfNd
Exercise may blunt salt's effect on hypertension: http://usat.ly/fQwc9c
Want to try some fruit juices you've never even heard of before? http://bit.ly/ebtk4X
Let's be very clear: "Heart failure," which killed Elizabeth Taylor, is caused by low-quality food and unhealthy lifestyle. http://bit.ly/g0irc0
Everybody blames "Western" diets, but it's more accurately described as "modern and industrial" diets: http://n.pr/dE5Mwi
Lovers of raw milk cheese savor its unique flavors http://bit.ly/ek1iZ5
Why healthy people smell so good: http://bit.ly/gf24l2
Obese youths may have insulin resistance, inflammation and higher homocysteine levels due to junk food diets: http://bit.ly/ieL1fu
Antibiotics linked to obesity http://bit.ly/hnT3tK
Gut feeling? Take it seriously. Your gut is constantly "talking" to your brain, and is a wise counselor: http://bit.ly/g6Xwco
I can personally vouch for the awesomeness of this @donkeyandgoat wine, both in taste and in health quality! : ) http://bit.ly/fpDmGX
10 fitness myths debunked: http://bit.ly/hvPXwk
Toenail study finds mercury-laden fish doesn't cause catastrophic cardiovascular illness. That's a pretty low bar... http://yhoo.it/dZpIPJ
Ever get sick after severe stress? The reason is that stress harms gut bacteria, which is your first line of defense: http://bit.ly/gQQypZ
The easiest way to get healthier: Sleep in a dark room! http://bit.ly/haZ8JQ
The US Military joins the fight against childhood obesity http://bit.ly/elZlhi
Here comes the new science of designer probiotics http://bit.ly/eiUWTb
3.23 p.m. is prime-time for going off your diet. http://bit.ly/e4G76X
Chemicals in plastics linked to early onset menopause http://bit.ly/guVaYH
Fiber reduces risk of cardiovascular disease http://usat.ly/h0pHs2
St Patrick was on the Spartan Diet: http://yhoo.it/gomDAw
Gut microbes may help combat flu virus in your lungs http://bit.ly/h7mGKr
Omega-3 fatty acids may decrease a woman's risk of age-related macular degeneration http://bit.ly/hEjtCV
Plentiful antioxidants before and during pregnancy prevents obesity and glucose intolerance in offspring. http://bit.ly/fEMdIE
Why you want to filter your home air: Air pollution can trigger arrhythmia even in healthy people: http://bit.ly/gT2yjo
Heirloom tangerine tomatoes a better source of a powerful antioxidant called lycopene than regular red tomatoes: http://bit.ly/exvXlB
How vegetables fight cancer: They contain compounds that "suppress gene aberrations that... cause fatal diseases." http://bit.ly/ftu2Rg
"64 percent of children diagnosed with ADHD are actually experiencing a hypersensitivity to food." Drugs not the answer. http://n.pr/hEbzy1
A Mediterranean diet -- rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and olive oil -- reduces metabolic syndrome http://bit.ly/fPv7W9
Researchers discover that gluten sensitivity is different from celiac disease. http://bit.ly/eD1bUc
Scientists are figuring out how to process chocolate to preserve all its amazing health properties: http://bit.ly/i6kEfU
Exercise and sex (not necessarily at the same time) are good for your brain: http://bit.ly/dR9kPc
Potassium strengthens your cardiovascular system: http://bit.ly/hSXydK
Research provides new insight into why poor diet during pregnancy negatively affects offspring's long term health http://bit.ly/i0H4FI
Why you should grind your own flour: http://lat.ms/eljUmg
The Mediterranean diet still linked to lower heart disease risk http://lat.ms/gnvPtC
How to keep your kids away from the toxins in plastic: http://bit.ly/emJ1e2
YMCA launches program to end diabetes: http://bit.ly/hZwdYA
Why is sauerkraut a "superfood"? Because it's fermented: http://bit.ly/i8XKFX
A high-fiber diet helps you live longer: http://bit.ly/hvh9XF
One sixth of foods labeled 'fresh', 'organic' or 'handmade' isn't: http://bit.ly/eUoyDy
Researchers have discovered a new type of Australian honey found to be radically anti-bacterial. http://bit.ly/fEgBlw