BPA, which was invented in the 1930s as a synthetic estrogen, is used to make the plastic and epoxy resins used in all kinds of food containers, including the lining of food cans. Consumer Reports found the substance in canned foods of all kinds, including those labeled "BPA Free" and "Organic."
The human body responds to BPA as if it were estrogen, which feminizes men and increases the risk of breast cancers in women. It disrupts the body's hormonal system in other, less predictable ways as well.
Some studies have linked BPA to obesity, heart disease, early puberty in girls, aggression in toddlers and other problems.
Another study found an association between the presence of BPA in the bloodstream and the both the quantity of sperm production and the amount of DNA damage to sperm cells.
The industry produces some 6 billion pounds per year of BPA, most of which touches food or beverages, human skin or is exposed to household air at some point. We eat it, drink it, touch it and breathe it.
Based on its findings, Consumer Reports recommends the following:
* Choose fresh food whenever possible.
* Consider alternatives to canned food, beverages, juices, and infant formula.
* Use glass containers when heating food in microwave ovens.
For people on the Spartan Diet, this doesn't go far enough. Never eat canned foods. Store foods and drinks only in glass containers. Nearly all your food should be fresh.